Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The power of positivity

The power of positivity.

I used to blame my unhappiness on the circumstances that surrounded me. Until one day it finally hit me… I am the reason for my own unhappiness. See I was trapped in a mindset that I should always expect more in order to gain fulfilment in my life. I wanted more money, more love, more of everything! I kept looking at the “greener other side,” and never stopped to look and see how green my side was. Finally I began to read books on happiness and I found a few things that were consistent.

1.       Happiness isn’t bought or found in someone else, it’s found inside of yourself

2.       Positivity is key. When you are feeling like your world is crashing, take a step back and look at it in a different perspective.

3.       Live in the here and now

4.       Find beauty in little things

About number 1…. For so long I tried to find happiness in people and every time I did, it would crumble because they were not the key to happiness. I had to realize that I cannot rely on others to make me happy. I have to find it for myself.
Relationships shouldn’t be a “you make me happy,” it should be, “You share my happiness.”  Learn to truly love yourself. Do special things for you and treat yourself the way that you want others to treat you.

Happiness cannot be bought and the grass isn't greener on the other side so stop looking at it and start admiring your own grass.

2. Positivity is key. When something bad happens, think of it as a learning experience. Thank the universe for teaching you something new and continue with your life. If you don’t want to do that, then find one positive thing about this situation and hang onto that… It doesn’t matter if it is big or small! Then every time you feel low, gently remind yourself of that positive note.

 3. Live in the here and now. We are constantly moving around in our lives looking back and the past and anxiously waiting on the future to come. STOP! The only moment that you have in this reality is where you are at RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW. Enjoy it. You are alive! That is a beautiful thing. I always say to myself when I feel myself getting too anxious, “The past no longer exists and the future will never come. I only have here and now.”

4. Find beauty in the little things. I want you to stop right now and look at something random. Now find the beauty in that object. (water droplets on a cup, the way the paper lays on your desk, a leaf from a tree, the green moss covering a single stone) If you keep doing that over and over, you will realize that suddenly your world is covered in beauty!   

Lastly, surround yourself with positive people and remove yourself from negative situations as much as you can. You can find happiness! Just take things one step at a time.

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