Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I am writing this blog about shining a little light in someone else’s day. Today, I did my daily coffee shop trip. (Yes, I admit I have a bad caffeine addiction, which is why I am always writing about what happens to me at the coffee shop.) As I waited for my coffee, a sweet lady in her 60s or 70s stood beside me, also waiting for her drink. As soon as the barista handed the beverage to me, she became curious and inquired about what I ordered. Of course I told her and expressed how amazing this drink was. She smiled, thanked me, and turned to leave but not before I had the chance to tell her how beautiful she was. As I said this, I saw every muscle in her face drop. She looked almost shocked, and I could feel her energy shift. After a short moment, she suddenly smiled from ear to ear and expressed to me how I just made her day. Giving me an unexpected hug, she said, “You just made me so happy.” Everything about her changed in that split second, and all it took was some kind words from a stranger about how beautiful she looked.

I want to encourage you to take the time to compliment someone who really could use it. Doing good or making an impact doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to volunteer at a shelter or take in a homeless person. It can be as simple as stopping someone in a supermarket, coffee shop, or gas station, and giving that person a simple compliment. Those few seconds you take to give this compliment can leave a long-lasting impact on a person.

Here is an example form my own life. A few years ago, I went to Goodwill, and I honestly looked rather unkempt that day. I was too tired to comb my hair, had broken out, wasn’t wearing makeup, and was wearing the most unflattering sweatpants that I could find. My self-confidence was in the pits, and, at that point in my life, things were very dark for me. As I was walking towards the doors, a man stopped me to tell me politely how beautiful I looked that day. He didn’t do it in a flirty way. He just smiled with the most genuine smile I had seen in a long time and said, “You are beautiful.” That was 6 years ago, and I find myself occasionally still thinking back to that time. Even now, I am smiling while writing about this. All it takes is two seconds of your time to say something kind. It may not seem like much, but it can make a much bigger impact than you realize.    

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