Saturday, January 31, 2015

A kind deed

Today I was on my laptop at a coffee shop. I ordered my usual drink, sat down, took out my laptop and began to get work done. After waiting for twenty minutes, I politely asked the very busy barista, “Excuse me, I see that you are busy, but I was wondering when my drink will be finished. I ordered it around twenty minutes ago.”
Turning around, she asked her coworker where my drink was and they found it by the drive through window. She apologized and quickly handed it to me. I, of course, thanked her for taking the time to find it despite being so busy. An hour later, she approached me (I was still in the same spot, working) and set a fresh drink in front of me. Once again, she apologized for what happened earlier and thanked me for my patience, explaining the obvious of being “packed out.”
                 Her kind gesture made my day. In fact, it made my day so much that I am now writing a blog about it! Here is the thing: kindness goes a long way. One thing she didn’t realize was how much I needed that small gesture of kindness. I have had a beautiful but difficult few days. I believe every day is a good day and a gift, but some are a bit more of a challenge to get through without wanting to just eat a ton of cookie dough than others. This one gesture made everything that happened seem to be okay, and saved me a fortune on cookie dough.
                I want to take the time to encourage all of you to find the opportunity in your busy lives to do a kind deed for a random stranger. You never know how much of an impact you can make in someone else’s day. Let me remind you of this: an impact on a single day may not seem like much, but today is all we have.


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