Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Listening Inside

            It was around 5:30 in the morning about a year ago, when I found myself driving down the interstate in New Jersey. I was exhausted. One of my friends had just gone through a rough patch and I spent most of the night trying to comfort her. She lived near Atlantic City which was about an hour from where I was staying. Seeing someone that I care about so miserable was emotionally draining. I felt like my vacation was a lot “heavier” than I intended for it to be.  
            With heavy eye lids, I glanced at the golden rays of morning light bursting over the blue horizon. I could tell that it was going to be a cold but beautiful day, yet one that I was planning on sleeping through.
 As I drove down this empty road, I realize that I was slightly hungry. My eyes lit up as I pass by a cobalt blue sign alerting me that a 24 hour “Wawa” is just a mile away.  
“God that sounds good,” I said to myself with a watering mouth as I thought about the quesadilla that they sold there.
Although this food sounded amazing, something was telling me to keep driving. I felt this strange pull to instead wait another thirty minutes until I arrived at the doughnut shop by my sister’s apartment. I didn’t feel like eating breakfast food but I couldn’t shake that feeling that I should go and that I needed to get my food from the doughnut shop instead.
I felt silly as I passed by “Wawa” and continued down the road. I had no idea why my gut was telling me to go to this doughnut shop instead of the place that I wanted to eat.
After half an hour, I finally arrived and stepped through the jingling door. Immediately I am greeted by a sweet smell of pastries and fresh muffins. Although this carbohydrate-packed sugar-coated food is normally very appealing, I was more in the mood to get a quesadilla.
 I didn’t know why I felt the need to go to this store, until I peeked over to the dining area. Immediately my eyes fall upon four homeless people, sleeping soundly on the chairs. Looking at the cashier, I realized that this man had been kind enough to allow these three men and one woman to sleep in a warm building during the cold night. I was touched.
When I went up to order my food, I ordered extra four egg bagels, four muffins, and four coffees for them. The cashier smiled, when he saw me glance in the direction of the people soundly sleeping. He quickly scurried to the back to get the food ready and as I waited, I observed each of these people, quietly wondering to myself what their stories where. Three of them looked like they had been homeless for a while, but the fourth one was a reminder of how quickly your life can turn upside down. With his head resting soundly on his arm, he had fallen asleep with newspaper opened to the job section in front of him. I feel such a sad energy coming off of him, as he slept, wearing his worn out suit and an old cell phone resting in his hand.
When the cashier approached me with the breakfasts, I thanked him for being kind enough to let these people sleep here for a night. He shrugged his shoulders and said with a thick foreign accent, “Where else would they go? It was cold.”
One by one I handed out the breakfasts, placing each one on the tables in front of them. One man woke up and grunted, looking half asleep while he pulled open the packaging to the egg bagel.
As I walked away, this wave of relief came over me. I am blessed enough to have food on my table every day. I have gone hungry in the past, when I couldn’t afford food, and to be able to share with someone who is hungry is such a fulfilling experience.
             Today I want to talk to you about listing to your gut. Sometimes the universe asks us to go somewhere or do something through that little tugging feeling inside. We may feel silly at first but when we realize the reason that we are doing it, the silly feeling goes away and immediately we find ourselves doing something beautiful for someone else.        


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