Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Next Extinction

                There are a number of articles and stories in the media announcing that our planet is on the brink of the next great extinction; an extinction largely created by humanity’s poor treatment to our planet. While reading these articles I found myself crying several times and I feel a large weight on my chest from the emotional impact of these revelations. I feel like the Earth is my child and the human species is a virus making her sick. It is as if the animals on this planet are her organs and I am watching them slowly shut down and wither into oblivion. I want so much to heal the wounds and halt the ongoing damage but I am at such a loss right now as to what I can do to make a major impact.
                I find myself obsessing over what I can do as an individual. I am researching and considering investing in reforestation, reviewing technological advances in cleaning our trash out of the oceans, and even investigating purchasing land in the rainforest. I am already a firm supporter of recycling, buying recycled products, only eating humane certified/free range/ organic animal products in an effort to sustain the world I love and show respect to the creatures living on it. Maybe some of these ideas won’t work, but I am compelled to explore any good idea.
My heart is aching over what we are doing to this planet. Humanity is right now more concerned about our latest selfie than the fact that the lives of millions of innocent creatures and our collective future is at stake. We are the trigger and the leading force of this mass extinction. We need to unite together and help slow down and perhaps reverse this process of our own diminishment. We can recycle, use less water, pick up trash off the street, plant trees, or plant butterfly and bee friendly plants. If you travel to South America, Africa, or Asia please do not buy an orphaned wild animal. No matter how cute they are, they are not meant to be pets. Imagine how you would feel if your family was taken away from you and you were sold to a random stranger and forced to stay in a strange place. Animals in captivity often times live a far shorter life then in their natural habitat in addition to becoming very sick or depressed. When hunting if you must, please only kill what you need and not just for the sick thrill of taking another life. Use all of the animal and don’t allow it to suffer needlessly. There are humane ways to go about this. Killing just for the sake of killing is unjust and cruel, no matter what species it is.
                 Let’s do what Gandhi says, “Be the change we want to see in this world.” Even the smallest change can make the largest impacts. Stopping the harm that is happing to the Earth starts with you and me. Knowledge without action is worthless. Taking even the smallest action can create a ripple of positive transformation.  Let’s change what is happening and start treating our planet the way that we treat the ones that we love the most. Earth is not just the home to billions of anonymous people and creatures.  Earth is my home.  Earth is your home. Would you turn your home into a trash can? I would hope not. Please show everyone and everything on this planet the same respect that you wish to be shown.


  1. I understand, feel what you feel.

  2. This is why I've taken a volunteer job with Sea Shepherd conservation society. I've been all over the world and yes it is dying.
