Wednesday, December 2, 2015

We are too Strong to Fear

     Since the trauma of the events of 9/11, Americans have had a deep fear of extremists infiltrating our nation and putting both our lives and the lives of families in danger. Fear is a powerful weapon. It is an ancient weapon, used since the beginning of civilization to control the masses. The memory of 9/11 still weighs on our hearts; many Americans allow this fear to turn into unjustified hatred and direct it towards anyone who happens to follow the same religion associated with the extremists.
      When the terrorist attacks occurred in France after the Syrian immigration began, our nation as a whole stood solemnly in reverence to those that had lost their lives. To show our support, Americans everywhere turned their Facebook profile image to an image of the French flag along with sending out messages about prayers and reverence. When a Syrian passport was found by the body of one of the terrorists, the message that terrorists infiltrated Europe by pretending to be refugees, spread through America like wild fire. Memories of 9/11 flashed through our citizens’ heads as many of us became afraid to allow these refugees to enter our nation. The messages of reverent condolence and support quickly transformed into messages of hate and fear. The initial act of terrorism may have been over ten years ago, but still feels like it just happened yesterday and we collectively see through the prism of that fear when it comes to the Muslim religion as a whole. A handful of extremists does not define an entire religion as a whole.
      Quickly in the course of the criminal investigation into the terror in Paris, authorities quickly learned that the terrorists were not Syrian refugees but were in fact all EU citizens from France and Belgium. The Syrian passport that they found is believed to be planted because it was a passport of a Syrian soldier that had died months before. Why would it planted? Because the terrorist group that label themselves as “ISIS” wanted to engrain this fear in as many people as they possibly can. Fear is an effective means to control the masses and fear is the tool that ISIS uses to perpetuate its reign. France decided that fear will not stop them from helping those being terrorized and abused by these thugs, and they fought bullets with flowers. Bullets is what ISIS wanted, violence, fear, and to cause others to say that they will no longer take in those that are escaping their terrorism. When France held up a signs that read “NOT AFRAID,” that was worst thing that they could do to ISIS because that meant that they failed in creating terror. They failed to control France.
Let’s think of this like an abusive relationship, where ISIS is the abuser that Syrians are the abused.  The Syrians are fleeing ISIS’s cruelty to find peace and hope. That is something that ISIS does not want because if there is hope of a better future for those that ISIS is terrorizing, then ISIS loses its power.  
       The Syrians fleeing for their lives are not terrorists, they are victims. Do you remember how you felt on 9/11?  Do you recall that gut-wrenching, twisting feeling that made you sick to your stomach? The Syrians feel this fear every day and want to escape it, and they are begging us to show compassion and help them. Instead of being understanding and saying, “We know what it’s like to be afraid for the lives of our families and ourselves. You will find refuge here,” we are instead closing our borders and saying, “Your kind doesn’t belong here.” Imagine how heartbroken and hopeless you would feel if the tables were turned and you were in their shoes. 
      We have to stop looking at these people from a religious perspective and start looking at them as human beings, willing to risk their life for the chance to be free. This nation was founded on refugees, our ancestors, escaping for a chance at freedom and a life free from fear. We hit the natal jackpot by being born within the borders of a free country. Instead of holding onto our borders and screaming out “MINE!” let’s open our hearts to those in need and allow more innocent humans to have the chance to live a life without fear; a privilege we Americans enjoy. We cannot change the reality for everyone in the world, but it would mean the world to everyone whose realty we change. Let’s show ISIS what their terrorism means to us by fighting their horror with love and opening our doors those that so badly need it. We are a strong and proud country, let’s not hide behind our borders. Let’s show ISIS how strong a nation we truly are by standing united against their brutal, sadistic regime. ISIS may consist of people with hearts full of hate but we can resist with hearts full of love. Remember, a single candle can reduce darkness to mere harmless shadows.


  1. I agree 100%. It's so hard to get through to people though. The fear mongering has been very effective.

    1. I agree. Fear has been used throughout history to control masses. Unfortunately even when the threat is removed, the fear still lingers.

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