I was sitting on a bench enjoying the quick moment of peace I had prior to the
concert of my favorite violinist. A skinny man in his early thirties with blond
hair and a checkered blue shirt, sat down beside me and after a few moments,
turns and begins to speak. He asked me who I was with and I mentioned my best
friend. After a moment of conversation, he told me that I was beautiful. I
thanked him and told him that I appreciated the compliment. Almost instantly
the conversation turned awkward, with an energy that could be best described as
“off.” As soon as I responded he told me, “Yeah you probably already know
that.” I could tell by his body language and the scowl on his face that he
didn’t approve of my “Thank you for the compliment.” In an attempt to lighten
the conversation, I quickly responded with, “Yes I do, but it is still nice to
hear that from someone.” As soon as I said that he quickly got up and walked
away as if my comment mortally offended him. This isn’t the first time that
this has happened to me. In fact, I have
noticed if I don’t belittle myself to the person complimenting me, then I seem
to be perceived as arrogant. I don’t
think I’m conceited, I am just confident.
I believe in me.
I wasn’t
always confident. In fact, I used to hate the way that I looked and I used to
hate every little thing about myself. I made a very conscious decision to
change my self-perception. When I
decided that I no longer wanted to be broken and I wanted to have the self
confidence that people I admired possessed, I spent years working on myself to
create the confident woman that I am today. Every day I thought of something that I felt I
didn’t like about me, I thought about why I didn’t like it and then set out to
change it. Step by step, I became a
person I really liked; and the process continues to this very day.
I do
find it interesting that we live in an age where self-confidence is said to be
sexy but then when it’s displayed is considered arrogant. In order to properly
take a socially acceptable compliment, I would have to say, “Thank you but…”
and then say something negative about my appearance to receive yet another
compliment reaffirming my physical appearance. Only then I am seen as humble and down to
earth and to have accepted the compliment gracefully. The reality is that being humble and down to
earth has nothing to do with self-confidence. In this instance it is part of the unwritten
mores of the modern social contract. You
can know your self-worth and still be humble. I believe that all humans are equal. I am
cognizant of my own value, am aware of my own self-worth and know that I am
worth more than to be belittled by myself or by others. This is why I have even left the ones that I
have loved the most, no matter how much pain it caused in my own heart. I
deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
I am
saddened that compliments are perceived as only flirtations. People are more hesitant to say something
nice, in fear that it will be taken the wrong way. In a culture that is quick to criticize, we
should be equally willing to point out the good in each other just to be
brings me to another strange phenomenon. People assume that because of my
physical appearance and self-confidence that I must have been lavished with
compliments my entire life. Because of this assumption, I have had individuals
go out of their way to insult me. There
was a time where I had to stop reading my social media because my in-box was
full of unsolicited messages such as “You’re fat,” “You’re so ugly,” and “You’re
stupid,” along with private messages that were paragraphs long on all of the
reasons why I sucked as a human. I had
to learn to leave misery and negativity in its place and that it doesn’t have a
place in my life. As we learn to accept
compliments with genuine grace, we must also learn not to accept gratuitous
insults with the same poise.
first step in gaining this self-confidence was learning to take compliments.
Next time you find yourself saying words, “Thank you but,” stop! Simply take the compliment and accept it. ”Thank you” suffices. Don’t degrade yourself just to gain another
compliment and don’t cheapen the compliment by denying it. Don’t rely on others
to bring you up. Instead, bring yourself up. You are beautiful. Take that and
walk with it, no if’s or but’s.
So now that I have spent years building my
self-confidence, I will not respond with a degrading remark about myself and
you shouldn’t either. Self-love means knowing your self-worth. It means taking
compliments without degrading yourself. Self-confidence is not arrogance. It
just means that you love yourself and you can only truly love someone else if
you love yourself first. If someone calls you arrogant or insults you after
complimenting you, just walk away and realize that the compliment wasn’t
genuine and when someone tries to put you down, they are just reflecting how
they feel about themselves.